Hey guys, this is Coach Isaac. I want to start this with making it clear that EATING FOOD IS ALWAYS A CHOICE. It is one of the most independent and POWERFUL CHOICES THAT YOU CAN MAKE, EVERYDAY. So don’t get it twisted, just learn how to get your mind right, stop making excuses, and start treating your life and your body with the respect it deserves. I’m a bit of a spiritual guy…we all are, some of us just don’t know it so well yet, but anyways this guide is about mindset when it comes to nutrition. I’ll quickly tell you what to eat at the end, this is rooted and focused on HOW YOU THINK ABOUT EATING/FUELING YOUR AMAZING MACHINE OF A BODY.
Over the years in creating the brand and lifestyle brand of MADE and MADE Baseball, I’ve focused my EVEryday life on creating championship habits and practicing what I preach. If I don’t practice what I preach then I am just sitting on a dirty soap box and shouting down to people. I have to do everything I teach in order for me to really know that I am connected to what I am sharing with the world, not just talking fluff.
When it comes to fueling my body and making daily decisions, I have come to treat food as a deeper way to become more conscious of my life, every single decision counts and every decision has thought behind it. I have an arsenal of staples that I treasure as a being who has a body that I cherish and want to get the absolute most out of while still enjoying the heavenly pleasures of deliciously (seemingly) unhealthy foods. The thing is that once you start checking in to what you are doing with each decision and you raise your awareness to a consciousness level that allows you to understand what you are putting in your body each and every time – this is when you start learning how to transform the food you intake into all positives. You start to learn to fuel your being, rather that quench your craving for taste. Once you begin down this path of making a choice to make a choice rather than blindly and unconsciously reverting to your conditioned eating habits, you begin to raise your vibration as a person. You begin to prioritize fueling your body, you begin to build your foundation on something very strong. You begin to gain a self discipline that has the ability to grow and grow, just like the foods that you begin to grow to love, ie: fruits and vegetables. Yes, you are going to want to eat a lot of fruits and vegetables. Its really not rocket science. Eat colorful stuff that is alive and has positive rejuvenating energy in it. Not just dead meats all the time. With that said, I believe strongly in the mental cultivation of energy and consciousness when it comes to putting any fuels in my body. I don’t always eat perfect, but when I am eating perfect, it’s pretty damn good.
I normally teach younger guys because I love the opportunity to help youth create positive and championship habits from a young age, but what I am about to say below really is directed at the parents. If the parents don’t provide my guys with quality food, and instead allow their kids to eat whatever is around without much thought or priority, then I am inevitably going to be fighting an uphill battle when it comes to the player’s coachability. Often times this is simply due to the fact that the gas powered machine is running on sugar water…and the mind is not able to process quite as well as it would be if it was getting the proper nutrition.
First things First – FOCUS ON THE PROCESS.
When I say focus on the process I mean the following –
- Be an athlete that knows how to compete when it comes to winning your dietary choices. Winning at the grocery store…pick the right items. Stay on the outside aisles. Buy mostly fruit and vegetables. DO NOT buy crap, fake, processed food. Buy real food, whole food.
- Be mindful of the value to teach the family to all be involved with all processes of the meal. The kids should be helping prep the meal as soon as possible. They should be helping at all stages or at least expecting to be asked to help or offering help if they are really turning into young champions.
“Gratitude is Universal.”
- Say thank you before we eat. Whether you or your family prays or not, is religious or not, it doesn’t matter. Gratitude is universal. It is essential. It pumps positive, mindful energy into the foods that we eat. It creates a connection to our existence and the process each time we mindfully thank God/the universe/the force – that helped this food to grow and end up in front of me in order to sustain this day of my life. I’m thankful for this day and this food right now, and I pray/ask/request that this food helps my body perform the best that it can over the next few hours that it helps to sustain me and provide energy for me. Does that sound a little over the top? Not to me. It’s part of the energy I want in my food, so I just ask for it. I will teach my son and daughter to do the same thing, and I will show them how powerful it really is to do this. This is also highly
It is a choice to be aware or unaware. Take ownership.
Mantra – “I AM AWARE OF WHAT I AM ABOUT TO PUT IN MY BODY. I know that it is going to be something to progress my health, or degrade my health. I really do know that I have a choice. Am I making a good choice? Why am I doing what I am doing right now? Am I just being lazy even though I know how important it is to consistently eat healthy? I know that eating healthy is not only an amazing health insurance policy for my life, but it is also a means of empowerment. I know that when I make these champion choices that I am transforming the way that I live, and I am transforming the life of my child who looks up to me and wants to do everything that I do. Even if I don’t absolutely love the taste of the food I am about to eat, I know that making this decision to eat is of my higher self, and that feels amazing to stay connected to. If this food is not so healthy and I am in a hurry and don’t really have another option, I know I am making the most quality decision I can and/or know I can right now, and I ask that this food nourishes my body the best it possibly can. Thank you for this food that I have.”
The exact amounts of what you should eat are up to you and your experimentation. But, if you stick to these ratios, you should be feeling good and performing great on a day to day basis –
Vegetables – 50%
Fruit – 15-20%
Beans, Seeds, Nuts – 10-15%
Fish – 10-15%
Meat and other junk when needed – 5 – 10%
These ratios are what I have generally come to put in my body consistently. This is what works for me. I’d consider my diet and my ability to eat at a very MADE level. I am always trying to refine my ability to fuel and always trying to heighten my day to day awareness to be a Bruce Lee master. I’m always looking to get better…so let me know what you think.
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